Furious event organiser Rosa Hopkin says there is ‘no way, ever’ she would re book comedian Jim Davidson after he verbally trashed the club, the town, and the residents of March.

Davidson has been widely condemned on social media for his outburst against the town after turning up for a near £10,000 booking at the GER Club last Saturday.

Rosa says she paid £2,000 deposit a year ago to secure the contract and the balance of £7,600 was transferred to Davidson through his agent on the day.

She said the event lost money (250 guests paid £40 a ticket for the show) after paying extra for the sound and lighting systems.

But it was not the money that troubles her, "it was his attitude".

She said: "He was booked for two 60 minute spots with a half hour interval for people to use the loo or get a drink. But after much too-ing and froo-ing he said he would do 90 minutes and that was that."

Davidson, however, nearly didn't do that, arriving to find he was booked into what he described as a "working man's club" and at one stage retreating to his car to record a video to launch a series of verbal attacks.

The video, released on his Facebook page but later removed, was packed with expletives attacking the club, Fen people, his agent, and claiming the venue was nowhere as near to Cambridge as he was promised.

"Norway is nearer than Cambridge," he ranted at one stage.

The following day he posted to Facebook: "Never believe your agent, never pause while talking or people get up for a pee and never talk to people on the front row table with a bottle of brandy on the table who then fell asleep."

He said: "It was like a trip back to the 70's. The nice women insisted I did two spots! it was like the Wheeltappers."

Rosa said they had done everything possible to make him welcome, providing a dressing fruit with sandwiches, fruit, scotch eggs and crisps. And they even offered him a free 'tab' at the bar for tea and coffee or a beer.

"He used the dressing room once," she said. "And that was to storm through it on the way out. He did have one drink, however, and that was asking a man on the front row for his beer."

Club officials timed him in and timed him out - he started on the dot of 7.30pm and at three minutes past nine he was back in the car park and off.

Rosa at one stage said she "called his bluff" after she had told him comedian Jethro had been happy to play the club and she even got him on the phone to speak to Davidson.

"I gave him the phone to speak to Jethro but he just thrust it back at me," she said.

Rosa, who has booked comedian Bobby Davro and Mick Miller later this summer, said the irony was Davidson later told her if she "fixed the s**t lighting And sound he would come back. I said no way; he's a complete........".

Rosa has been in contact with Davidson's agent and says she has been told he no longer represents the comedian.

We have invited his agent to comment.