Young People get a helping hand :The Treasurer Andrea Alexander and club captain Matt Fiveash from March Squash Club attended YPM Junior Club.

They presented a cheque for £200.00. The money was raised at the squash club’s 40th anniversary dinner.

The money will be put with other recently received donations to buy an air hockey table and other equipment that the centre needs for the benefit of all the young people who attend.

Young People March would like to say massive thank you to everyone who has help to raise funds for our club.

The residents of Shaftsbury Court hold regular coffee mornings and bring and buys sales, they donate the proceeds to different charities.

We were really humbled when Peter from Shaftsbury gave us a donation of £300, the donation was in memory of Dick Jolly who was originally a resident at the court.

All donations go back into the centre to provide activities for young people, the donation along with other recent funs will go towards purchasing an air hockey table.

Ours is on its last legs but has been regularly used by all our members and has survived for over 12 years, so we are well in need.


Young People March

Did you remember this accident?

Thank you so much for sharing the recent newspaper of Chris Adams' request for info relating to his accident way back in July 1977.

I have spoken to Chris again recently, having had no responses from the first article, and we wonder whether we could go for a second article but this time focussing on the school this time round.

So, something like this....

Did you attend King Edwards School, Chatteris in July 1977?

If so, do you remember one of school pupils, Chris Adams who attended as a 7 - 8-year-old, and who suffered a head injury after being hit by a car on a Friday evening in Chatteris.

Chris, who was in hospital for a few weeks, is keen to hear from anyone who remembers this, including any teachers.

Chris has been advised that one of his teacher's visited him in hospital during that time and spoke to his Mum about how well he was doing at school.

If you can help at all with any information, please could you email or let the editor know, how we can contact you. Thank you so much.


Let’s re-unite this medal

Many veterans and serving personnel make their way to Rookswood House, West End, following the ceremony at March memorial.

On Monday morning a neighbour brought me a WW2 medal found lying on the road outside Rookswood House.

The medal is "The Italy Star", part of a group and in the absence of any WW2 veterans at the gathering, would have worn IT.

I wish to see the medal returned to the owner. I can be contacted on: 01354 656094.


Climate change debated
Although I was an infrequent listener to the recent climate change conference, I never heard mention of an important topic relating to global warming and declining resources, namely, increasing world population and lack of birth control.

Be it for lack of society, governmental or religious reasons that is why the world demand for resources, energy, food or accommodation and consequent temperature rises.

Remember the second rule of economics, wants and needs, you may want it but do you need it? Also, rule number one, supply and demand, if you demand something someone will supply it at whatever the cost.



Service will remember Big Fire

A special service of choral evensong will be held at Peterborough Cathedral on Sunday November 22 at 3.30pm, to mark the 20th anniversary of the evening in 2001 when a serious fire broke out there.

The blaze was extinguished thanks to the prompt actions of the Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service but nevertheless resulted in extensive smoke damage which took years of painstaking work to repair.

Amongst those at the service will be some of the fire officers who attended the incident, as well as members of the clergy who served at the cathedral at that time.

These will include the Most Reverend Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York, who was Canon Missioner at Peterborough in 2001 and will be joining the congregation.

We are enormously grateful for the prompt action, skilled response and generous heartedness with which this shocking fire and its consequences were tackled 20 years ago.

This great building has stood at the heart of the city for many centuries yet is clearly more vulnerable than we imagine and the fact that we can still worship here is a blessing that we must not take for granted.

This service will enable us to come together to remember, but also to thank God and pray for those who continue to support and care for the Cathedral in the face of new challenges today.

All are welcome


The Very Revd Chris Dalliston,

Baby Bank opening in town

I am the founder of Fenland Families and Baby Bank

We have just taken over the old Fenland Citizen shop in Wisbech,

Baby Bank is there to help families and parents that are finding themselves in some very strange times, and just need that bit of support.

We have a grand opening on Saturday November 20 celebrating our first year of helping families and parents

We have the mayor of Wisbech coming to open the shop, tea coffee cakes and raffle to raise money for the future of baby bank

It is a much needed project in Fenland.


A day full of memories

Remembrance Sunday is a reminder to us all”. It was refreshing to see a big turnout in Outwell and Upwell this year.

Perhaps those people on my television should learn a little about history before asking for financial help in places such as Yemen and Afghanistan.

Those who took the billions of support cash from many so-called wealthy countries are living a life of luxury beyond belief in hideaways throughout the world.

"That money should have been used to benefit the people".

Yes- it is heart-breaking to see those little children suffer also those who gamble on rubber boats to seek a better life.

Martin Bell’s catchphrase is, “I have worked with UNICEF for years and have seen what they can do, “WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!”.

Should he not use his persuasive powers, experience and superior intelligence to lobby world leaders to hunt down these people who took the cash that should have been used to help these people?

Greed drove Yemen to occupy a beautiful part of the world (Aden) then reduce it to poverty and dust.

A similar thing happened to Libya, another aesthetically outstanding part of the world. Self-destruction was caused by power-hungry greedy individuals.

These places are beautiful, they should be amongst the most sort after holiday destinations in the world, they have an abundance of ancient history and scenery that has to be envied. Unfortunately, it is marred by senseless conflicts predominantly fuelled by distorted religious beliefs.

Just like the erudite Martin Bell, I have been to most of these places.

The difference between us is, I was there for a very different reason.



Floral destruction

Following the destruction of the floral bicycle in Museum Square, the police released a statement.

It says: "We are investigating this incident which happened at about 7.45pm on November 10. Officers attended the scene at the time and CCTV has been obtained from doorbells at residential properties, which is being examined."

However, when you look at the Wisbech Town Council accounts for 2020-2021, it states that we are currently paying £26,850 per year for CCTV coverage in the town.

So a pertinent question is - why are the police having to use doorbell footage when we are paying £26,850 per year for CCTV?

It also begs the question - are Wisbech tax payers really getting value for money?


A correction

On page 4 of last week's newspaper (Friday, November 12), we published an article on a donation received by the March Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club.

In that article, we said that the club holds a breakfast every month free of charge, which is incorrect.

In fact, club membership is free and the breakfast costs £5 per person.