Fenland District Council wants you stay safe this Christmas, so they’ve launched a new campaign asking you to “Stay safe this Christmas, call for a taxi.” 

The new “Stay safe this Christmas, call for a taxi.” campaign is encouraging individuals to keep Fenland’s roads safe while supporting local businesses by getting a taxi home after a night out. 

The council has put together a list of licensed local drivers and private hire operators alongside their operating hours over the Christmas period. 

With increasing numbers of unlicensed and uninsured “lift services” being offered on social media, the council is also keen to encourage the use of legitimate vehicles and drivers, both for the safety of passengers and for other road users. 

If you suspect someone is acting as an unlicensed taxi driver, contact the Fenland District Council’s Licensing team on 01354 654321 or email: licensing@fenland.gov.uk. 

You can also report it online at: www.fenland.gov.uk/article/14395/Contact-the-Licensing-team 

You’ll be able to access the list through the QR code on posters in pubs and local businesses across Fenland or by visiting the Fenland District Council website at: www.fenland.gov.uk/findataxi