Tiger Eye, a Norwich-based legal technology software and service company, is taking part in the Best Employers Eastern Region programme this year, having achieved Platinum accreditation in 2021.

The business, which specialises in document, email and knowledge management solutions for law firms and other professional services organisations, was also named Best Digital and Technology Employer at the 2021 Best Employer awards.

“Winning that award was probably five years in the making, to be honest,” said managing director Dave Wilson.

“From the very early days of starting to put together a wellbeing programme and looking at what we needed to do for our staff, to actually getting the award, it was a lot of work over a long period of time.”

Dave said one of the reasons Tiger Eye was drawn to the Best Employers programme was “the idea that the whole team would be asked for their views on how we were doing.”

“That would provide such useful data for us,” he added. “To really know what people are thinking and how they're feeling – and also to see how we are in comparison with a lot of other businesses that are a similar size and do similar things to us.”

Securing Platinum accreditation and a Best Employer award showed Tiger Eye it was doing a lot right when it comes to employee engagement and wellbeing.

“We learnt that the smaller things – which don't necessarily cost a lot of money – mean a lot to people,” said Dave. “Things like showing flexibility, whether that’s flexibility around hours or homeworking, so people can drop their children off at school and pick them up at the end of the day.

“Because of the pandemic, we don't think anything of working from home nowadays, but we were already ahead of the game with that.

“The questions that are asked in the Best Employers survey, and the analytics done throughout the process, also teach you a little bit about where you are in your business' wellbeing and cultural journey – and benchmark your success,” he added.

“It is a constant challenge to keep that going and make sure you're on top of it.”

Cambs Times: Dave Wilson, managing director of Tiger EyeDave Wilson, managing director of Tiger Eye (Image: Tiger Eye)

One of the key actions that Tiger Eye took following Best Employers 2021 was to put “more structure” around employees’ career progression.

“There was a little bit of hesitancy from our team around ‘how do I progress to the next level?’,” said Dave. “We've been working with line managers to put together that kind of information in a way that's transparent, so people can see what they need to be learning or working on next to make that step up.”

He added that learning and development will be a big focus for the business this year.

“We thoroughly enjoy employing people who have limited industry knowledge or technical skills – and teaching them everything they need to know,” Dave explained.

“Now that we're growing, we would like to formalise that and put together more of a structured learning and development path for people – particularly the young graduates coming into the business.”

Dave said Tiger Eye had no hesitation about entering Best Employers again this year – adding that winning an award is “just the cherry on top of the cake”.

“Going through the process, encouraging your staff to take part in something and then getting that wonderful feedback gives you such a great, honest picture of where you are with your team,” he said. “It’s worth doing just for that, if nothing else.”

For more information about Best Employers Eastern Region 2023, or to register for the programme or launch conference, please visit www.best-employers.co.uk