A 12-week scheme to regenerate March Market Place is due to begin this weekend. 

The improvements are part of a £8.4 million project to improve the town centre as part of the March Future High Streets Fund programme (MFHSF). 

Works include improving the appearance and car park layout of the Market Place, as well as installing new paving, seating and infrastructure for electric vehicle charging points. 

The scheme, due to begin on January 9, will also address issues within the area such as drainage. 

Cllr Chris Seaton, Fenland Council’s portfolio holder for social mobility and heritage and lead of the MFHSF steering group, believes the Market Place is a “well-loved community facility. 

“These enhancement works will cement its position as the focal hub of the town centre.” 

During the work, the market will be relocated to City Road Car Park in March on Wednesdays and Saturdays. 

The Market Place will be closed to public vehicles on January 8 before work is due to take place the next day.