Whittlesey councillor Alex Miscandlon received a special memento when he stepped down as chairman of Fenland District Council after three years.

Cllr Miscandlon, member for Whittlesey east and villages, was given a photobook covering his term and a past chairman’s badge when he stepped down from the role at FDC's full council meeting on Monday May 22.

Cllr Nick Meekins, who is ward councillor for Wisbech riverside, was elected as new chairman and Cllr Brenda Barber, member for Leverington and Wisbech rural, became vice chair at the meeting where a new cabinet was also announced.

Cambs Times: Incoming Fenland District Council vice chair Cllr Brenda BarberIncoming Fenland District Council vice chair Cllr Brenda Barber (Image: Fenland District Council)

Cllr Chris Boden, member for Whittlesey east and villages, was elected for a second four-year term as Fenland District Council leader. March south member Cllr Jan French stays on as deputy leader.

Cllr Miscandlon stayed in post for longer than is usual due to the first years of his term as the civic face of the council and district being hugely restricted by the impacts and limitations of the Covid-19 pandemic.

At the meeting Cllr Miscandlon said: “As the outgoing chairman of Fenland District Council I did a calculation the other day and I’ve actually been in office 1,066 days so I’ve got my own Battle of Hastings.

“I’ve enjoyed the three years I’ve been here and I have to say I’ve had a brilliant team around me.”

Cllr Miscandlon gave thanks to council officers and members for their support.

He added: “The highlights of my term have been the royal visits. I’ve also had some low points with the death of the Queen.

“I’ve had the death of the Duke of Edinburgh, the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh, the Jubilee, the death of the Queen, the Proclamation, which was announced in here, and the funeral of The Queen and the Coronation so I’ve had quite an eventful time in office.”

Cllr Miscandlon met The Princess Royal, Princess Eugenie and Duchess of Gloucester and the Hollywood actor Warwick Davis when they have visited Fenland, countless Fenland residents and worked closely with counterparts in civic roles in neighbouring counties, boroughs and districts.

At the meeting, Cllr Meekins said: “Fellow councillors, thank you for electing me as Chairman of the Council. I will carry out the role to the best of my ability and I am looking forward to representing Fenland at many events.

“There are three people I would specifically like to mention. Firstly, Rob Skoulding. Returning members will remember that Rob was vice chairman and, had things followed their usual course, he would have been made Chairman today.

“Unfortunately, Rob’s health was such that he felt unable to continue in his role as vice chairman hence my taking over from him.

“I feel that a part of Rob will be with me as I carry out my duties and I hope I can do him proud.

“Secondly, my mother Margaret Meekins. Some of you will know that my mum has been very seriously ill over the past four months and there have been times when it looked like we would lose her.

“They have been tough months for all my family, but she has, I am glad to say, kept going.

“I was especially pleased to be able to tell her that ‘her little boy,’ as she still calls me, was having this honour bestowed on me today.

“And finally, Alex. It has been a privilege to work with Alex during the past year and to be able to represent Fenland District Council on the few occasions that he couldn’t attend some events.”

Cllr Miscandlon has now joined the cabinet.

The cabinet portfolio holders were named as:

Cllr Chris Boden – re-elected as leader and finance

Cllr Jan French – deputy leader, revenues and benefits and civil parking enforcement

Cllr Ian Benney – economic growth and skills

Cllr Sam Hoy – housing and licensing

Cllr Dee Laws – planning and flooding

Cllr Alex Miscandlon – leisure, internal drainage boards

Cllr Peter Murphy – refuse and cleansing, parks and open spaces

Cllr Chris Seaton – transport, heritage and culture

Cllr Steve Tierney – communications, transformation, climate change and strategic refuse

Cllr Sue Wallwork – community, health, environmental health, CCTV, community safety and military covenant


You can watch the Full Council meeting on the Council’s YouTube account here: https://bit.ly/45njG6P