Sustainability is fast becoming a key consideration for businesses across the world and the Ethical, Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Award at the East of England Tourism Awards 2023-2024 will celebrate businesses that strive to operate in an ethical and responsible way for the community and the environment.

“With global focus and ambition to live and operate more sustainably, hospitality businesses that bring innovation and passion to this end will help grow the regional visitor economy,” said Richard Turvill, managing director of category sponsor Swiss Camplings.

As the judge for this category, Mr Turvill will be looking for evidence of the initiatives that have been employed within businesses to demonstrate an ethical, responsible and sustainable mindset, as well as the results that these changes have achieved.

Cambs Times: Richard Turvill, managing director of Swiss CamplingsRichard Turvill, managing director of Swiss Camplings (Image: Swiss Camplings)

“Tourism has and will continue to evolve, but ensuring that needs of visitors are being met is essential to the continued success of the industry in the East of England,” he said.
Mr Turvill explained that both businesses and customers should take the time to enter and nominate in these awards, as it offers us the chance to celebrate the great work that is being done in our region.

“All of the awards represent an opportunity for excellence and proactivity to be celebrated and recognised in our region,” he said. “The media coverage generated by the Tourism Awards represents fantastic exposure to businesses that might not always be heard. The awards ceremony provides a forum to celebrate success and also a potential opportunity to thank your colleagues for all their hard work.”

And whether you are named as a finalist or a winner, entering can have a number of benefits for your business.

“The application process for entering a business award can often encourage you to reflect on your achievements and ambition that ultimately will increase your business’ credentials,” said Mr Turvill. “A business award win, short-listing or nomination can act as a third party endorsement for your business and services you supply.”

The deadline for entries and nominations is Sunday, September 17, 2023. Please visit for more information or to submit an entry or nomination. You can also read about the awards and all the categories in the launch supplement.