While hotels and all-inclusive accommodation make up a big portion of the UK tourism industry, millions of holidaymakers enjoy taking the self-catering route, especially since the pandemic, and finding a beautiful room or property that allows guests the freedom to holiday how they want.

The Self Catering Accommodation of the Year category at the East of England Tourism Awards 2023-2024 aims to recognise the very best in this sector.

“Self-catering holiday accommodation brings in millions of pounds to the regional tourism economy every year – not just for the owners of the properties themselves, but also for the pubs, restaurants, cafes, attractions and other local traders who benefit from the associated spend,” said Chris Otty, regional sales director for category sponsor cottages.com and the judge for the Self Catering Accommodation of the Year category.

Cambs Times: Chris Otty, regional sales director for cottages.comChris Otty, regional sales director for cottages.com (Image: cottages.com)

Accommodation can make or break a holiday, and so entrants in this category should demonstrate how they are providing truly memorable guest experiences. 

“All the data we see at cottages.com shows us that despite the cost-of-living squeeze, people are determined to get away and are prepared to make sacrifices in other areas to ensure they protect their holidays,” explained Mr Otty. “So, it’s vitally important that owners maintain a consistent level of service across all customer touchpoints.”

The majority of self catering accommodation providers are small businesses, and Mr Otty said that “a nomination for this award could make all the difference to their business going forward”.

Businesses can also nominate themselves, and “an award-winning reputation goes a very long way when it comes to attracting new guests,” according to Mr Otty, so be sure to get those nominations in and ensure everyone in the region knows how good your business is!

“Customers want to be reassured they are making the right choice when they spend their money on somewhere to stay,” said Mr Otty. “Winning an East of England Tourism Award separates out the recipient from the local competition and helps persuade customers they are spending their money wisely. 

“It also comes with an elevated media profile, meaning more customers will find stories about your success when searching out where to stay in your area online.”

The deadline for entries and nominations is Sunday, September 17, 2023. Please visit tourismawards.co.uk for more information or to submit an entry or nomination. You can also find out about the awards and all the categories in the launch supplement.