The cost of overly strict school uniform policies is “unacceptable” councillors have said, highlighting that one school is selling ‘branded socks’. 

Cambridgeshire County Council has said it plans to support schools to develop “fair and effective uniform policies”, after concerns were raised that some schools were not reducing uniform costs as well as others. 

Cllr Michael Atkins presented a motion at a full council meeting this week (July 18) calling for the authority to support schools to make changes, and to research the cost of uniforms across the county. 

He said recent government guidance around reducing the cost of school uniforms was not being followed by all schools in the county. 

Cllr Atkins said there was a “growing divergence” between schools that were “taking this seriously” and others that were “out of step with the recent guidance”. 

He said under half of the schools he looked at had signposted secondhand alternatives on websites, with many giving the “biggest priority” to the sole supplier of the uniform. 

Cllr Atkins said there were examples of schools that had made changes to require fewer branded items but said he had also seen a school requiring “branded football socks along with five other items of branded uniform”. 

He said: “As the summer break draws near many of us will be looking forward to a period of holiday and rest. However, for some families the summer is a period of difficult financial challenges, including childcare, the cost of travel, and somewhat surprisingly school uniforms. 

“One of the consequences of poor economic performance is the way it exposes practices which developed during better times to tougher conditions and make no doubt about it, these are very tough conditions we are experiencing right now.” 

He added: “Wages have fallen in recent real terms by five-per cent since March of last year, completely eroding four years of pretty meager growth in pay. 

“Families of school children are facing a huge squeeze on their income from increased rent payments, mortgage payments, cost of food, utilities and just about everything else as well. 

“It is in this context that there has been increasing national concern about the seemingly benign topic of school uniforms.” 

“Combined with the overall inflation in clothing costs the result has been a dramatic increase in the costs of school uniforms,” he said. 

“A survey by the Children’s Society suggests costs of over £400 per year for secondary school children for example. 

“These are costs that some families in our county can ill afford.” 

Cllr Atkins said he was “well aware” of the “huge range of pressures and expectations” placed on schools and said he was “in awe of the range of provision, support and care” schools offer. 

He said it was the county council’s role to help make sure schools met the statutory guidance. 

Cllr Simone Taylor said things such as having sew on badges, fewer branded uniform items, and increased access to secondhand uniforms were ways costs could be reduced. 

She highlighted that secondhand uniforms were also a “good option for the environment too”. 

Cllr Bill Hunt said the authority should help encourage schools to set up secondhand shops for uniforms, saying children “grow up very quickly when at secondary school and they grow out of uniforms before they wear out”. 

Cllr Samantha Hoy said she was not going to vote against the motion but said there was some “personal responsibility” people needed to take. 

She said she knew people who were making the decision not to have children at the moment as they “cannot afford it”. 

Cllr Atkins said the cost of uniforms may surprise many people, and that they can change in a short period of time. He said someone could have a child, but by the time their child got to secondary school the costs would have changed. 

When the motion was put to a vote councillors voted unanimously to support it.