Cambridgeshire Police have reported a "staggering" 380 per cent rise in HGV-related crimes in July 2023.

The number of incidents involving heavy goods vehicles (HGV) rose from five reported in June to 24 in July.

Around 46 per cent of HGV thefts occurred on streets or motorway laybys, but 27 per cent reportedly took place at service stations, which a spokesperson for Cambridgeshire Constabulary labelled as "shocking".

Fuel theft, fuel card pilfering, and cargo theft are just a few tactics being used at service stations in Cambridgeshire.

Cambs Times: Service stations across Cambridgeshire are repeatedly being targeted for HGV crimes.Service stations across Cambridgeshire are repeatedly being targeted for HGV crimes. (Image: Cambridgeshire Constabulary)

Cambridgeshire Police are now calling on all HGV drivers and haulage companies to follow some "simple steps" to combat HGV crime in an attempt to stop the alarming rise.

"We aim to tackle this issue head-on by regularly educating lorry drivers and service station owners," said the spokesperson.

READ MORE: Bike thefts plummet in Cambridgeshire - Meet the officers making a difference

How to combat HGV crime 

  • Ensure your lorry's safety: Set alarms and lock up before you leave.
  • Keep your keys close: Take them with you always.
  • On the road: Lock trailer load doors while driving.
  • Lock your cab when loading or unloading.
  • Mix it up: Vary your routes and breaks to avoid patterns.
  • Consider setting up a delivery destination change procedure.
  • Park with the trailer doors close to another vehicle or wall.

The spokesperson added: "We aim to tackle this issue head-on by regularly educating lorry drivers and service station owners.

"Even if you're not directly involved in HGV operations, you can play a role. Share this crucial information with those who could benefit from it.

"If you spot any suspicious activity around parked HGVs, report it immediately by calling 999 or through our website,"

Advice for haulage companies:

Educate your workforce: Empower your workforce with the knowledge to stay vigilant and safeguard against theft.

Upgrade security: Invest in locks and alarms to fortify your vehicles against potential thieves.

Improve data collection: Maintain comprehensive cargo information and audit trails to deter criminals.

Check approved products: Explore police-endorsed security solutions at