A burglar who stole tools from a house undergoing renovations has been jailed. 

In the early hours of April 17 this year, Martin Copeman entered the home in Marylebone Road, March, and helped himself to tools. 

At about 5.30am, the victim was woken by a loud crash and saw Copeman in his garden. 

Police were called who quickly located Copeman, 58, and his car outside the nearby Wetherspoons pub in Darthill Road. 

A search of the vehicle uncovered a Stanley bag containing a multitude of tools, including a circular saw that was stolen from the victim’s home. 

Copeman, of Hussars Court, March, appeared at Cambridge Crown Court yesterday (September 6) where he was sentenced to three years in prison after being found guilty of burglary following a two-day trial at the same court earlier this week. 

Detective Constable Stefan Karanja, who investigated, said: “Copeman came out with all kinds of excuses in interview which contradicted his story, clearly digging himself into more lies. 

“We were lucky to have found the stolen items this time, but unfortunately that is not always the case. 

“I would advise people to use the free marking service for tools – immobilise.com - which will enable us to reunite you with your property should it be discovered later on. 

“I would like to thank the victim for remaining calm throughout the whole ordeal and doing the right thing by calling us and reporting it.” 

Information and advice on how to best protect your home from burglars can be found on the force’s dedicated webpages.