Ely & East Cambridgeshire's public transport spokesperson said he is "particularly pleased for people with disabilities" after the Government's U-turn on railway ticket office closures - but is now urging rail companies to improve their support.

Steven O’Dell's comments come after Transport Secretary, Mark Harper, told train companies to withdraw the plans earlier this week.

Mr O’Dell's is now calling on rail companies to make sure that "public transport is truly accessible to all the public.”

He said: “I am particularly pleased for people with disabilities who rely on ticket offices to help them buy a ticket and to provide essential travel information.”

RECOMMENDED READING: Rail ticket office closure plans axed - union TSSA reacts 

RECOMMENDED READING: Campaigner fights to keep rail ticket offices open

“Ticket offices offer vital support. Staff there know about the full range of tickets and special offers and it’s a fixed spot to receive advice on routes, get help in navigating the station and overall to feel confident in making journeys.

“If you have problems with your sight, using ticket machines isn’t an option. If you are using a wheelchair, hunting around the station for a member of staff is tiring.

“If you need help boarding the train, it’s an issue if you have to wait an hour or so for someone to come from another station.

“It’s no wonder that three quarters of a million people responded to the consultation on ticket office closures and that 99% of them were against the plans.

“I hope the announcement is a step towards recognising that spontaneous travel is fundamental to the rights of disabled people. 

“Locally, we already see many local stations with no staff and no support for disabled passengers.

“My own research shows a mixed pattern for residents of East Cambs. At least many of the Greater Anglia services have a conductor who is able to help passengers on and off the train at stations like Dullingham, Kennett, Newmarket, Shippea Hill and Soham.

“Littleport station is served by driver-only trains so assistance relies on staff being sent from elsewhere.

“Three of our local stations do not even provide a ramp to help passengers alighting or embarking, these are Dullingham, Littleport and Soham.

“All stations have an induction loop for announcements.

“If we want to encourage more people to use public transport it needs to be convenient and safe.”

“I’m calling on the rail companies to make sure that public transport is truly accessible to all the public.”