A drug dealer who bit off an innocent man’s ear has been jailed.

Ashton Smyrk jumped out of bushes along Oxmoor Lane, in Huntingdon, on April 24 last year (2022), and begun shouting at a man in his 50s before throwing a drinks can at his face.

The pair had a scuffle which ended with the victim being kicked three times in the face on the floor and part of his ear bitten off.

Officers identified Smyrk from nearby CCTV cameras and arrested him in Peterborough three days later.

They also found a rucksack containing cocaine, heroin and cannabis worth £4,210 as well as £696 in cash, two sets of scales and two mobile phones.

Cambs Times: Drug dealer Ashton Smyrk has been jailed for biting off an innocent man’s ear.Drug dealer Ashton Smyrk has been jailed for biting off an innocent man’s ear. (Image: Cambridgeshire Constabulary)

The sunglasses and black cap he was wearing on the day of the assault in the CCTV were also retrieved.

At Peterborough Crown Court today (November 1), Smyrk, 35, of no fixed address, was sentenced to six years in prison after previously pleading guilty to grievous bodily harm with intent and possession with intent to supply class A and B drugs.

PC Chester Lewis, from the Huntingdon neighbourhood team, said: “The victim was going about his own business when he was set upon by Smyrk.

“As a result of his injuries he required more than 30 stitches and has been left with a permanent reminder of that day.

“As well as being physically scarred, the incident has affected his confidence to walk anywhere alone.

“I hope this sentence goes some way to providing some reassurance to the victim.”