Combined Authority mayor Dr Nik Johnson has been ordered to apologise and undertake training after an investigation found he had breached the mayor’s code of conduct.

The Labour mayor, who leads the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority had been the subject of an investigation.

The Authority's chief executive, Rob Bridge released a statement following a Hearing Panel meeting held today (November 14). 

"Today a Hearing Panel, established by the Audit & Governance Committee, met to consider the independent investigator’s report into alleged breaches of the Members’ Code of Conduct by Mayor Dr Nik Johnson.  

"The Panel meeting was conducted partly in public and after seeking input from the legal advisor to the panel, the mayor’s solicitor, the independent investigator and the independent person, the panel unanimously agreed to consider the report in private before deciding what action to take.  

The Panel Hearing resolved unanimously that the mayor did breach the Combined Authority's Code of Conduct in relation to 'civility and disrepute' and unanimously agreed to impose the below sanctions.  

“A report with the findings of the Audit & Governance Hearing Panel to be taken to the next Combined Authority Board." 

Dr Johnson has been ordered to provide a written apology. Further, in consultation with the monitoring officer to ensure the appropriateness of providing a written apology directly to one or more of the complainants, by the end of the week. This will also be included in the decision notice. 

The report went on: "The mayor will undertake not to repeat the behaviour and agree with the CEO appropriate development and training, including HR practice when in a senior member role. To be completed within the next six months.” 

The sub committee also recommended that “the Combined Authority reviews the induction process for when a new mayor takes office and that the Audit & Governance Committee review the relevant parts of the constitution for lessons learnt and recommend any changes to the Combined Authority Board.” 

Mr Bridge added: "I want to take this opportunity to apologise to those impacted by this process. The period covered by the investigation was a very difficult time for the Authority and anyone who was involved, but I am confident that the Authority has learned many lessons from that period and is on a much more stable footing. 

"This investigation was an important and necessary process, which has been undertaken with impartiality, professionalism and thoroughness. A formal Decision Notice will be published within the next five working days 

I will not be commenting further on the investigation or the Panel Hearing at this time.”