A special school in Wisbech is hoping to raise £40,000 so that its hydrotherapy pool - the only one in Fenland - can open again.

Meadowgate is appealing to the local community to help raise funds to repair the pool's heating system after three bids to the Department for Education were rejected.

Due to problems with the heating system, the pool - which provides pupils with complex medical and health needs access to physiotherapy - cannot be used.

To start the appeal, Hair World have made a donation of £1,000 and the company's directors visited Meadowgate to meet pupils after hearing they were unable to use the pool.

Headteacher Michelle added: “We are so grateful for this donation. Not having the pool means pupils are not able to have a key part of their physiotherapy provision.

“Staff are working hard to provide more land-based exercises, but the pool is much missed."

She added that the pool's facilities include hoist systems that can safely lift pupils with physical disabilities between the changing rooms and pool.

"Hydrotherapy promotes normal body development, decreases pain, and supports general health for pupils with complex health conditions, 

"The water must be heated to 34C to have any therapeutic benefits," she added.

“If any other businesses could help or local groups we would love to hear from you. Please help us to reopen our pool.

“A donation towards the project will be greatly appreciated by all of the staff and pupils at the school.

“If you need further information, or would like to visit the site and see some of the incredible work of the school please contact us at hydro@meadowgate.cambs.sch.uk."