Local residents, Royal British Legion members and standard bearers gathered in Chatteris this morning to pay their respects on the 80th anniversary of D-Day. 

They gathered near the war memorial in front of the town's parish church ahead of a poignant wreath-laying service. 

Chatteris RBL Branch Chairman, Anne Wells led the service and spoke about the importance of June 6 before 'The Last Post' bugle call was played.

Robin Lake carried the Branch Standard and Jan Baynes, that of the Womens Section, before the wreath was laid by an RAF Fire Service Veteran Gavin Fielding.

Prayers were taken by Rev. Canon Wendy Thomson and a D-Day poem was read by Jane Lake.

Tina Prior, secretary of Chatteris Royal British Legion, said: "We were really pleased with how well the service went his morning, which was well attended by a good number of the community.

"On behalf of Chatteris Royal British Legion, thank you to everyone who attended this morning's D-Day 80 Commemoration service at the war memorial.

"It was a small but fitting tribute to those men and women of our Armed Forces who did so much on June 6th 1944 to ensure we enjoy the freedoms we do today."

The town's D-Day commemoration events continue this evening at Chatteris Parish Church. 

Chatteris Community Choir will perform at 8.30pm before a beacon lighting ceremony at 9.15pm.

(Image: Ben Jolley)