A plan has been submitted to build up to 44 new homes in a Fenland village.

The application proposes the homes to be built on land which is west of 2A Bridge Lane, in Wimblington. The land near Bridge Lane is just under 6 acres.

Of the 44 new homes, it's proposed that four of them will be two-bedroom houses, 33 will be three-bedroom houses, and seven houses will have either four bedrooms or more.

95 parking spaces will also be created along with the houses, according to the plans.

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Many Wimblington residents have submitted responses to the planning application, with a large number objecting to the new homes.

One resident wrote in a public comment: "There are more suitable sites that would warrant and welcome 44 new homes being built, rather than building off of a single traffic lane which is part of a historical walking route."

Another described the plans as an "absolute joke". They continued: "The lane struggles to cope with the 30 odd houses down the road as it is."

Many residents lamented the loss of the rural landscape in the village as new housing developments are built. 

Other issues raised include the ongoing sewage and drainage problems on Bridge Lane, construction work already taking place in the area, and concerns over the amount of traffic using Bridge Lane.

One response to the plans was positive, saying that the increase in houses in the local community "will help contribute to local businesses and in turn, support the growth of the local economy."

It continued: "These houses will also help to fill our school spaces which will create more qualified people in our local area."

Anyone seeking more information on the planning application can take a look on Fenland District Council's planning application public access system. The reference number is F/YR24/0449/O.