Open letter to Steve Barclay MP: I am very concerned to learn of the latest proposal regarding the closure of the minor injuries units.

As a Wisbech resident the future of the North Cambs Hospital is of most immediate concern to me. You will be aware that for several years this facility has been run down to the point that large sections are now in mothballs.

This latest proposal will be driving a further nail in an institution which has served this community so well down the years.

The various changes in the running of the NHS in the 30 years I have lived in this area have created a situation where this hospital has been treated like an orphan, I have lost count of the number of ‘owners’ it has had. To my knowledge the authorities down the years have failed to come clean with the locals and lay out what they perceive is a future for the plant.

What is needed is some joined up thinking about the health needs of the people of the area and I accept that you have been attempting to address that with your ‘treat me local’ scheme.

While large parts of this site lie vacant we have the ludicrous situation of people putting their lives in danger in attempting to get access to the North Brink Surgery.

You have to be aware of the parking chaos which regularly occurs outside this building. This surgery needs to move to a safer, more accessible site and the North Cambs could provide that.

This in turn would help safeguard the future of health provision in Wisbech. In your present role as Parliamentary whip you must be aware that up and down the country numerous trusts are in serious financial trouble. Hence I find it difficult to understand how you were surprised to learn of the above plans.

Central Government has a responsibility to address the gap between present financial provision and what is needed to run the service. Heads need to be banged together to give us a health service which is integrated at all levels and becomes once more an institution we all can be proud of.

