Police have warned residents to be extra vigilant of burglars this winter.

They recommend residents invest in a security light and alarm to deter burglars, use a timer switch for lights when they are not in and lock their front and back doors and secure all windows, including upstairs, before leaving.

Crime prevention officer Sue Loaker said: “With the clocks going back this weekend, burglary is a crime which tends to increase.

“Burglary is mostly an opportunist offence so people can remove temptation by keeping possessions out of sight and making their home look like someone’s in.

“Security alarms and lights can be a worthwhile investment to deter offenders and could save you a lot of time and inconvenience in the long run.”

Residents should also be wary of bogus callers, Mrs Loaker said.

“Most utility companies do not cold call. Ask to see photo ID and call the company for confirmation.

Genuine callers do not mind calling back another time or for you to make an arranged appointment with the company.”

For more information about security contact your local community safety team on 101 or visit http://www.cambs.police.uk/