YOUR diarist was gutted to learn one of his favourite Fenland events, the Littleport Show, has fallen victim to spiralling costs and a continuing fall in revenue.

Committee member Derek Timbers said they had been left with little choice.

“One of the reasons why the committee thought it was best to cancel the event this year was the lack of people to do all the work,” he explained.

“The falling numbers of people actually coming to the event over the past couple of years was another factor, as was the ever increasing cost of putting on the show.

“With those three things together we thought it was best to have a rest this year.”

According to a posting on the show’s Facebook page, last year’s open air live event which followed the show lost money “and the profit made on show day was used to cover these losses”.

Mr Timbers also said: “It is not the end of the show but we thought we needed a year out to think about what we can do to improve it.

“We were all upset that we had to take the decision but we couldn’t go on as we were.”