Who on earth did the measurements from the junction at Broadend Road for the new supposed safety signs!?

They are far too near the junction to have any affect whatsoever.

Cars approach them at 60mph behind cars making the turns off the road and OVERTAKE at the junction.

The signs needed to be put much further back along both sides of the approach.

Yet another waste of money


Via e-mail

Is this so-called work at the Broadend junction finished? If it is, it’s a joke – people’s lives have been lost at this junction.

All workers have done is cut a few trees back on the eastbound side and stuck up a flashing sign 2ft from Broadend Road.

This is a sweeping bend that lasts at least a quarter of a mile.

This junction NEEDS a roundabout. Lines and sights are not going to make the slightest of difference.

Westbound, it’s a straight piece of road. That’s fine. But they should have still put the flashing sign a bit further from the junction.



Via e-mail