A former barmaid from Chatteris who was inspired to write when lying in hospital with two broken ankles has had two books published ... 26 years after she first put pen to paper.

Jennifer Swaby, 65, who is originally from Walthamstow in East London but moved up to Chatteris 15 years ago, has produced a book of poetry called Faeries and Fangs and a children’s story about aliens called Weeny Woo.

She said: “I started writing poems while in hospital as I fell down a flight of stairs and mashed both ankles.

“Back then my poems were about everyday things but when I had two sons I started a children’s story in rhyme in 1979 called Weeny Woo basically about a small friendly alien stranded on earth who befriended some children.

“I then brought it up to date many years later in 2013/14.

“I also have written poems about fairies and angels and a mix of poems about different subjects.

“My family and friends have said for all those years I need to get my work published but I couldn’t afford it.

“But recently I found a publishing company in the USA that publishes free of charge but takes a percentage of the sales price instead.

“My son in Newquay sorted everything for me and I’ve now got two books published.”

To get hold of a copy of either book, go to www.lulu.com