THE Court Welfare Service and your children s rights and the Children s Act simply explained. The mother carried the baby, so has more legal rights over the children than the father. This is needed in separation cases as the Children s Act implies one par

THE Court Welfare Service and your children's rights and the Children's Act simply explained.

The mother carried the baby, so has more legal rights over the children than the father. This is needed in separation cases as the Children's Act implies one parent must be in dispute to award custody, namely not the person who carried the baby for nine months.

The Children's Act basically states no one has the rights to see their children, it's the children's decision and right to who they want to see.

Children under 10 years (actually in law) do not know "right from wrong" and are "immature" as regards legal decisions for their welfare, eight years in Scotland.

Basically the children under 10 years have no actual legal say nor does the father.

The court/welfare service and the mother all dictate contact with the father in separation cases.


Doddington Road
