ABOUT twenty five people gathered to hear a community activist speak about how he has attempted to improve relations in his home town.

David Jonathan, who set up an organisation called Grassroots in Luton, spoke at Wisbech’s Interfaith Forum AGM at the Rosmini Centre.

While acknowledging the recent outbreaks of violence in Luton and the police’s firm response, he highlighted the positive things going on there.

He said: “Most Muslims, like their white counterparts, just want to earn a living, raise their children and live in peace.

“They have little understanding of groups like the English Defence League and are at a loss to understand why people don’t just live and let live.

“Families experience many of the same tensions that the rest of us go through - the older people looking to home in Pakistan, while the younger ones see their home in Britain where they were born and where they plan to spend the rest of their lives.”

David invited Wisbech’s residents to take part in a peace march which is being staged in Luton on September 21, during which people will visit a church, a Gudwara and a Mosque.