BRAKESPEARE enjoyed reading the results of a survey by a Fenland school who received 141 responses from parents on such issues as whether their children liked school, encouraged healthy eating, and such issues as homework, behaviour and outside activities

BRAKESPEARE enjoyed reading the results of a survey by a Fenland school who received 141 responses from parents on such issues as whether their children liked school, encouraged healthy eating, and such issues as homework, behaviour and outside activities.

However it was the 'don't knows' which intrigued me most, particularly the 5 per cent who responded "don't know" to the question whether they feel comfortable about giving their views to the school and making suggestions.

Given the option of 'strongly agree', 'agree', 'disagree' 'strongly disagree', I find it extraordinary that seven parents should lapse into the 'don't know' category!

Three parents don't know if staff expected their children to "work hard and do his or her best" and four parents don't know if their child is making good progress.

But I wonder who the parents are who don't know if their child likes the school? With 96 per cent of parents agreeing that their child does, three per cent disagreeing, Brakespeare wonders why the remaining one per cent haven't bothered to ask!