THE first week of the New Year has passed and still North Bank at Whittlesey is closed to traffic.

It is staggering that this project has taken so long with all the consequential disruption to traffic flow along the A605 in the morning and evening.

As a frequent visitor to Holland, I know that infrastructure such as bridge repair and drainage channels are rapidly dealt with for the simple reason of survival.

I am sure the Dutch way of replacing that bridge would have taken less than a month. Surely, precast concrete sections could have been placed to maintain the flow of effluent from Peterborough, a new precast bridge lowered into place with tarmac and barriers rapidly following.

Don’t mention limited access with a lorry, the Nene is adjacent - they would float it in on a barge.

Oh well, let’s hope the A605 is resurfaced soon as it cannot take its present volume of traffic.


Viking Way


Via e-mail