Here’s why you should enter our Small Business of the Year category, according to Russell Swann, director of Swann Edwards Architecture Ltd, who won the award last year.

- What has happened at Swann Edwards Architecture Ltd since winning the Small Business of the Year Award in 2018?

Swann Edwards have continued to expand as a group and have employed 3 additional members of the team. We have a number of exciting new projects to add to our expanding portfolio

- What have been the company's main challenges in 2018/19?

We have expanded rapidly with significant investment, the biggest challenge has been to consolidate what we have whilst also trying to push forwards as a business.

- What has been your biggest success in 2018/19?

We have gone through an internal re-structure of the company which is allowing us to manage the company in a different way.

This is allowing us more time to expand our project portfolio and our client base.

The set up of Liv Architects and the purchase of White and Eddy have both been huge successes and both arms of the company have far exceeded our expectations in their first year.

- What are Swann Edwards Architecture Ltd plans for 2019 and beyond?

We continue to expand. The intention is to broaden the services White and Eddy offer and add to its team.

Swann Edwards will continue to grow. We have a large investment in equipment and software scheduled.

- What did winning the awards mean to you and what would you say to businesses thinking about entering the awards for the first time?

The recognition for all our hard work is fantastic. We are eight-years-old on May 11 and to be where we are in such a short space of time is testimony to the team we have here.

Winning the award strengthens our place as a leading business in Fenland and has helped us push forward on a commercial level.

The Small Business of the Year category is open to any business operating in Fenland, employing typically 10 people or fewer.

Being a very small business is no bar to success in this category. T

he judges will be looking for performance against business plan and proven success in adapting to market movements.

Entry Criteria: outline of business, is the business profitable? (account evidence is required), how has it successfully adapted to changing markets and how does it fit into its marketplace? and what are the plans for development?

This category is available for sponsorship; please contact Ashleigh Jackson, sponsorship account manager by email: