A PROJECT which aims to improve the lives of families who have children on the Child Protection register is expanding in Cambridgeshire.

Funded by Cambridgeshire County Council, the Volunteers in Child Protection Project (VCIP) was initially set up in Fenland but has now expanded to include the East Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire areas.

Volunteers visit the families for about two hours per week for six months. They help them with routines, managing appointments, form filling and budgeting.

Project Manager Jo Fitzpatrick said: “It works well because the families don’t feel like they’re being judged. The volunteers are there to support, encourage and help.

“Often these families can feel they have been continually let down and having someone coming into their home to help on a regular basis that they can trust can produce truly amazing results.”

Volunteers are fully trained, receive ongoing support and expenses are paid. Male volunteers are especially welcome as many families can benefit from a positive male role model.

Anyone interested in volunteering for this project should contact Jo Fitzpatrick at jfitzpatrick@csv.org.uk or on 07748 952349.