Chatteris manufacturer Stainless Metalcraft has launched a pioneering new scholarship.

The Metalcraft Engineering Scholarship offers those interested in engineering the chance to gain hands-on experience during a three-month placement in Metalcraft’s apprentice school.

The scholarship will cover four core modules, including hand fitting, turning and milling, and welding and fabrication. Trainees will also learn about health and safety.

“We hope that these placements will help anyone interested in pursuing a degree in Engineering to develop a real understanding of the subject and to work out which areas they may want to focus on in the future,” said Austen Adams, managing director of Stainless Metalcraft and Avingtrans PLC’s Energy and Medical division.

“It’s for anyone who is stuck between A-levels and university who wants to acquire the experience and knowledge to make an informed decision about their future studies and career path.”

The first two trainees to undertake the intensive three-month programme, 19-year-old Tarryn Sullivan, from Downham Market and 18-year-old Ben Beale, from Wimbledon, have begun their placements.

“I had begun studying for a degree in Marine Engineering at the Warsash Maritime Academy but unfortunately I discovered I suffer from seasickness,” Tarryn said.

“I’m now looking to pursue a full time, land-based career in engineering and this three-month scholarship seemed like a great opportunity.”

Ben said: “I’m looking forward to gaining hands on engineering experience before I start my Engineering degree at Edinburgh University in September.”

Metalcraft recently won the East of England category in the National Apprenticeship Awards and has seen a 400 per cent increase in the number of apprentices starting at the firm.