It was only in November when Fenland District Council’s overview and scrutiny committee scrutinised the performance of the street cleansing service.

It was found to be an efficient well organised service with few complaints.

Members congratulated the portfolio holder and officers on the report presented to the committee and on the service itself.

At no point did the portfolio holder or the officers mention that consideration was being given to this service being exposed to competition.

Had mention been made, I am sure the committee would have asked for it to be justified.

We learned of this via social media, not in the way elected members would expect to learn of issues, and it is by that notice on Facebook that I have asked questions of the portfolio holder and of officers.

Perhaps members will be told that this should have been picked up by default, as we were told with the ‘Windfall policy’ as detailed in the council’s Local Plan.

Or is this a case of the new era of ‘openness and transparency’ so professed by Councillor John Clark when he took over the leadership?

I would suggest to Cllr Clark that if and when savings in staffing are to be made, it should be across the board and not just selective at one level by subjecting services out to contract.


Independent councillor, March North

Via e-mail