FENLAND issued a resounding No to AV with more than 75 per cent voting against a change in how we vote.

Voters defiantly rejected a change in our voting system with 21,087 deciding against the Alternative Vote.

A mammoth 76.9 per cent majority of the 27,423 votes cast showed that the majority of the district would prefer to keep the First Past The Post system which is currently used for Westminster elections.

Just 6,336, or 23.1 per cent, of voters wished for a change in the system which would see voters ranking candidates in order of preferences rather than just choosing one candidate.

These preferences could be used to decide the outcome in places where no candidate wins more than 50 per cent of votes cast.

Under the First Past The Post system the candidate who gets the most votes in their constituency is elected as the MP.

Only 132 voting papers were rejected.