FROM next April, Council Tax benefit or “CTB” is changing.

As part of its budget deficit reduction measures the Government is cutting the amount of money it gives to councils to pay for CTB by at least 10 per cent.

At the same time, pensioners are being protected from these cuts. This means that we will have less money to give to those of working age who claim CTB.

All councils have to choose between cutting spending to pay for this or pay less out in CTB. Fenland District Council is proposing to pay less CTB.

As a result this could mean that the 4,500 people of working age who get CTB will be asked to pay on average �3.32 more a week in council tax next year.

Until October 20 we are consulting with the community. Want to know more? What do you think? Go online at to get more details and fill out a survey.

To get a paper copy ring us on 01354-654321, e-mail or pop into one of our Fenland @ Your Service Shops in Chatteris, March, Whittlesey and Wisbech.

We have also written to all 4,500 directly affected customers and will continue to do so over the following months.

The final CTB scheme will be decided by Council in December and the changes take effect next April.