THE future is looking much more promising than before for Fenland s public toilets, the district council was told. Councillor Peter Skoulding, portfolio holder for finance, said enough money had been found to keep them open for the time being. The counc

THE future is looking much more promising than before for Fenland's public toilets, the district council was told.

Councillor Peter Skoulding, portfolio holder for finance, said enough money had been found to keep them open for the time being.

The council's overview and scrutiny committee was considering their future, and their report was expected in November.

"I am confident they will come up with something positive," he said.

He was replying to a question from Councillor Roger Green, also leader of Wisbech Town Council, who said people in Fenland were confused about whether they would stay open, or whether some might still shut.

Earlier this year a report to councillors indicated that half of Fenland's ten public conveniences might be closed, and the buildings sold off, but public pressure saw the proposals put on hold.