Near neighbour John Smith has called for a safety report from council officials on the state of a wall which he claims is in danger of falling and injuring someone.

John Smith said he had watched the building over many years – part of a former dairy and once a distribution depot- and was convinced it had “moved somewhat in recent years”.

Mr Smith took this set of photographs and forwarded them to Fenland Council asking for an investigation.

“I know the building has recently been sold and is up for redevelopment,” he said. “What I think should happen in the meantime is that for cones to be put round it warning of the possible dangers.”

He said an initial approach to the council had suggested The Park Street, Wisbech, premises were stable but he, and other residents, was not so sure.

“I see the wall all the time but recently it has begun to look precarious,” said Mr Smith.

He said there had been instances of older buildings toppling into the road and causing damage, most recently in Chatteris.

“Nothing has been done to protect the public from the danger of this wall in Park Street falling and killing or injuring someone,” he said. “The top of the wall has moved out a considerable distance.

“This wall is unsafe please act to cordon it off now before it kills someone.”

A Fenland Council spokesman said: “Our building control team have visited the site and are satisfied there is no imminent danger of the wall collapsing.

“Given that, in line with building legislation, they contacted the owner via his agent yesterday (Thursday) to tell him that urgent action was needed to make the building safe. We are continuing to monitor it.”