A NEIGHBOUR is so fed up with Fenland District Council he has taken to cleaning a public alleyway himself. The alleyway has been the subject of numerous complaints. It is regularly used for fly tipping, and I have found many used needles there. Last weeke

A NEIGHBOUR is so fed up with Fenland District Council he has taken to cleaning a public alleyway himself.

The alleyway has been the subject of numerous complaints. It is regularly used for fly tipping, and I have found many used needles there.

Last weekend we noticed a digger there. When we confronted the person on it, it turned out a neighbour from the back of my house had also been complaining.

Like me, he found the council had a total disregard for its customers. As his path leads on to the alley he has decided to take matters into his own hands and has now dug the alley clear of weeds and rubbish and laid down gravel, which has improved the appearance a thousand times.

In my opinion he is a local hero.


Lynn Road
