Having learnt of the decision of Fenland District Council planning committee to approve 30 homes proposed by the Wilkinson Building Project, subject to archaeology matters.

The protests from myself and residents of north east March are well documented. For the record, I stand by my views and utterly object to this building project going ahead.

The archaeology within this area has yet to be verified but there have been significant discoveries of Roman artefacts that are geographically very close to this proposed development.

I believe I dug up Roman Ballista defence rocks in my garden, when erecting a garden fence. They now form a rockery around a garden sundial in my garden and can be examined at anytime if needed.

The Fens were very important in Roman times. The Fen Causeway went across the northern end of the island of March and there was a garrison at Grandford on the northwest edge of March island.

The causeway is now thought not to have been entirely a roadway; across the islands it was a hard surface but waterways would more likely have been used to cross the fen itself.

From personal evidence there may be Roman remains close to my home.

Other sites of significant Roman finds are geographically close.


Via e-mail