I write regarding the article outlining Fenland District Council’s latest attempt to combat dog fouling across Fenland’s parks and gardens (February 7).

I would be the first to admit that there is a problem in certain areas of Whittlesey and I am aware of the dangers that it can represent.

Due to its previous failures in this sensitive area the council must take action again but surely there are better alternatives available than highlighting it with brightly coloured spray paint?

Everyone is already aware of the impact it has on our open spaces and it should be perfectly obvious that the individuals ignoring the dog control orders will not take any notice of this whatsoever?

What we need are more bins and a covert surveillance campaign that will actually achieve its objective.

Instead, we get another silly publicity stunt, complete with smiling councillor, spray paint, officials looking on and a press announcement telling everyone when and where they will be patrolling, thus compromising the entire operation before it even starts.

Has common sense completely disappeared from within the politically-correct corridors of Fenland Hall?

It certainly seems that way regarding many issues nowadays and sadly at a time when council budgets are stretched to breaking point.



Via e-mail