I write In response to your article last week concerning the unceremonious unveiling of the hypocrisies of two local politicians in not paying their council tax on time three years running, and consequently wasting extremely expensive officer time to deal with their tardiness through ‘procedures’.

Surely they, together with all 40 Fenland District Councillors, get paid over £4,000 a year each just to attend meetings, and surely David Oliver gets paid at least another £6,000 per annum as a member of cabinet, and portfolio holder.

Talk about in one hand and out the other. Why pay them money on the first hand, to then have to chase them through the courts to collect the council’s dues on the other hand.

Take the money at source.

Also isn’t it rather ironic that councillors, who are charged with the responsibility of stewarding our finances across the district cannot even mange their own household affairs.

During my 12 years involved with politics in Peterborough, I spent many years as a councillor, including chairman of resources, which included responsibility for the finances, property and personnel for the city, so I do know a little something about being responsible for public money, and it goes without saying that my confidence in councillors that cannot manage their own domestic finances is fairly low.

Perhaps it is time that Mr Oliver hung up his mantle of power.


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