I read your article over climate energy customers losing their deposit. I am one of those that signed up but thankfully as mine was totally green deal funded I had paid no deposit.

A full year earlier I had signed up to a separate green deal with Tivium energy. This week I received a letter to say they had been forced into liquidation.

My dealings with them were difficult and only half the work was ever completed thankfully more than enough to cover my deposit

I had on several occasions contacted our MP Steve Barclay pointing out that the figure work was decidedly ‘Mickey Mouse’. However, very little interest was shown referring me instead to the overworked Citizen Advice.

I am one of the lucky ones who have not lost out financially but many have. I feel that as this was a government scheme Mr Barclay’s attitude to be totally unacceptable.

No doubt he feels comfortable after his recent election win, however I feel if UKIP had fielded a local candidate or one that had done any canvassing at all things would be different.


Via email