I quite agree with most people that this EU referendum campaign has become a meaningless, accusation’ and mudslinging exercise.

There is no need for it at all! What people want is the honest truth!

I have also noted that as we live in a global market, no one is taking into account the effect of other countries on the stock markets and the possible effect that this would have on the UK!

There are so many economic external forces that affect this country, it’s not right to blame it on leaving or staying in the EU!

The only reason why I decided to vote to leave the EU was because I’ve seen some of the EU reforms the UK will have to adopt, and I’m not satisfied it is in our best interests to adopt them.

This decision was finalised when David Cameron received the two finger gesture from Brussels when he tried to re-negotiate a new deal.

If the EU would negotiate, then I would have voted to stay in the EU, but Brussels is clear that as a dictatorship it will not negotiate, consequently I am out of the EU!

