I refer to last week’s front page headlines regarding comments made in reference to the proposed Landlords Licence.

I have to say I am totally astounded by the response of two of the councillors quoted. Far too many properties are being let as HMOs probably not licensed and have had occupants that have caused numerous problems for the immediate and nearby neighbours with late night parties, noise and an array of drunken people.

I think both councillors need to declare an interest after all one councillor works for a letting agency and they both of them have a very close association with a councillor who has had to apply for planning permission (retrospective) for an HMO that was unlicensed - both have even worked for that councillor in some capacity. One of the councillors has even stated in the past that he has no problem with hot bedding.

I somehow think that rose tinted glasses are being looked through and rather than see the benefits licensing would bring they seem to want to brush it under the carpet.

I find their comments somewhat disturbing. Just for once maybe they should consider the impact this is having on other families. I have seen first hand some of the behaviour at HMOs.

Most things have to be licensed. It is done in the public interest.

Maybe we should set up an unlicensed HMO either side of their properties and see how they respond then.

As councillors they have a duty to their constituents and ensuring a good quality of family life is one of them.


Via email