How typical of Councillor Alan Lay to attack Councillor Jessica Oliver over chairing, this is the second time he has done it, one might say he has an overstated sense of importance.

I would suggest Cllr Lay learn a lesson in humility. How arrogant, he believes only he could do the job.

He has been on the town council for less time than Cllr J Oliver and it seems rather than keeping his head down and dealing with nasty councillors in his party as he chairs the local UKIP he shows he is one too. Surprise surprise he mocks Councillor Steve Tierney – no change there.

What a poor show Cllr Lay, you disgrace to the office of Cllr, but then you aren’t the first UKIP councillor to do that this year.

UKIP submit some candidates no other party would agree to in their right mind (with the exception of the late Sandra Rylance and Councillor Clapp who I suggest reads his facebook message from me, I’ve done as I promised at the Oasis fete).

David Gutteridge
