The unique features of a Fen church were put in the spotlight at this month’s March Society meeting.

Margaret Lake, representing the Friends of St Clement’s Church, Outwell, said there are more than 200 unique and unusual wooden carvings in the roof and the nave of the church, which are believed to date from the 14th century.

All the carvings survived the Reformation, Puritanism and other historic purges on churches.

Further notable features of the church include stained glass from the Middle Ages, stone gargoyles and two Hanseatic League pine chests made in the mid-15th century and a 17th century alms box.

The Friends have a target of £250,000 to help conserve the church.

The society’s April event is on Wednesday April 8 at 7pm in March Library. Ian Harvey, Civic Voice network and campaigns manager, will talk about the new civic manifesto: Localism for Real.

Everyone is welcome. Members £2, non-members £3 including tea, coffee and biscuits.

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