STEVE Garratt is standing as a Conservative candidate for Lattersey.


42 Church Street, Whittlesey, PE7 1DB

STEVE was born and has lived in Whittlesey all his life. He lives with his partner Mary and their two teenage children.

He has had the privilege of working as your Fenland District and Whittlesey Town Councillor over the last four years. Steve says: “Having teenage children keeps me in touch with the young people of Whittlesey and as cabinet member for Health & Well-being and Young People I understand the problems and concerns families face.”

His main duties have involved supporting people of all ages who live in Fenland to stay active and healthy, providing sports development within local clubs and our schools. He has managed to secure �1million for the refurbishment and improvement of the Manor Leisure Centre, providing new and exciting activities for all to enjoy.

Steve is keen to support local people and businesses, encouraging them to live and work in environmentally friendly ways and helping them meet the challenges of the changing climate.

He is actively involved in the development of a reliable community transport scheme, so residents living in our area do not feel isolated. With the many new housing projects, Steve’s main concern is safety on our roads and promotes the use of community transport to help tackle congestion.

Steve formed the Youth District Council, where young people can put their views, ideas and opinions forward. The meetings have been very successful and the young people involved are delighted that their voices are heard.

Steve said: “I have had the privilege of being Mayor of Whittlesey on two occasions the first time in 2004 and second in 2008. I found it a great honour representing Whittlesey and made many friends across Fenland and also In Australia, due to the terrible fires Whittlesey in Victoria experienced in February 2009.

I believe everyone should receive excellent front line services from the taxes we pay to ensure our community is a clean and safe place to live.

I have been working hard over the last four years resolving the concerns and issues raised by local residents, which included the Market Square and, as you have seen, we now have new businesses moving in.”

Steve is a very committed and loyal member of Fenland District and Whittlesey Town Council and would like to continue with his duties, but he can only do this with your support on 5th May.