It has come to my attention that our MP, Steve Barclay, is taking an awful lot of credit for things that he has not actually had any involvement in.

It has been said that Mr Barclay got extra money for the children of Fenland. The only thing that he wants is all the credit for actually doing nothing.

Cambridgeshire as a local authority is bottom of the pile – we are 151st out of 151 education authorities.

This was addressed by county council officers and due to the help of the overview and scrutiny committee threatened legal action against the government.

Low and behold, extra money suddenly became available.

The success of this work means that as of April 1 Cambridgeshire will go up to 146th. Not a great rise up the ladder but it is a start.

We are one of the fastest growing local authorities in the country I would therefore like to see a large increase in government funding for all schools and services.

Most of our primary schools are growing at an alarming rate and we again will be struggling to place all the extra children that will move into the area into existing schools.

We then have to look at the knock-on effect on our secondary schools – they are fast becoming overcrowded and again parents are having to look outside of Cambridgeshire to give their children the best start in life.

The Government hammers on about austerity. We have a simple way to get our country back on its feet – let the people decide on our membership of the EU.

If I ran a business, let’s call it UK Ltd, and I was giving £55million a day to an unelected body of bureaucrats who provided very little then I would have to ask myself how I would vote in the May elections.

The major parties cannot deliver the referendum that we desire as they signed the Lisbon treaty – this means that all the main parties have to seek permission from the EU.

I would also ask people to think what they want after the elections. We are far more in debt now than we ever have been – that tells me that membership of the EU is a luxury that Great Britain can no longer afford.


UKIP county councillor, Wisbech North

Via e-mail