PRESIDENT Cynthia Spooner welcomed members and one visitor to the April meeting of the Morning Women s Institute at King Edward Community Centre. It was reported that an invitation had been received from West Walton WI to their annual quiz evening and fr

PRESIDENT Cynthia Spooner welcomed members and one visitor to the April meeting of the Morning Women's Institute at King Edward Community Centre.

It was reported that an invitation had been received from West Walton WI to their annual quiz evening and from St Peter and St Paul's Church to take part in the community fair.

Members were entertained by George and Joy, a Pearly King and Queen. This was followed by a sing song of well known songs using cockney slang.

At the next meeting, on Friday May 11, this year's resolution on the closure of community hospitals will be discussed, so that votes can be given to the branch delegate at the annual meeting in June.