THERE are complaints I could voice about Neale -Wade Community College, but a policy on piercing isn’t one of them.

THERE are complaints I could voice about Neale -Wade Community College, but a policy on piercing isn’t one of them.

Sorry I find it laughable that this girls parents even find this story worthy of any media or Facebook attention. Mrs Coombs said “........ I sent them there because I had a fun time at the school....” , I’m not sure on other people’s reasons for selecting schools but I am sure having fun and being allowed to make a “fashion statement” isn’t one high on everybody elses list.

Ironically her father then says the school should worry about more important issues than piercings. Maybe the parents should as well? Seriously all that is wrong with our education system at the moment and this family are jumping up and down because there daughter can’t do what she wants or wear what she wants.

That is why schools have a standard uniform policy. It’s less distracting for pupils it means they actually sit and learn rather than worry if their jewelrey matches their nails or their trainers are worth more than some other kids.

At 14 years old why does this girl need her face pierced and why is it essential she has her way and her parents jump up and down and make a noise about it? Perhaps that says much about parenting rather than our schooling. Kids should be allowed to be expressive sure but in their own time and they should also understand the value of rules and of learning.

Sorry to this young girl’s parents but I don’t support your “campaign” and at 14 I don’t think she will be emotionally scarred for life by removing the item from her face.


Via e-mail