I am writing to make your readers aware that April 28 is Workers Memorial Day when people around the world remember those who have been killed or injured at work.

Every year more people are killed at work than in wars. Most don’t die of mystery ailments, or in tragic “accidents”. They die because an employer decided their safety just wasn’t that important a priority.

The day is also intended to serve as a rallying cry to fight for the living.

Last year (2012/13) in Britain 141 people were killed at work and more than 75,000 seriously injured. Tens of thousands more people die each year from diseases contracted in the course of their work.

Fortunately here in Britain the number of deaths and injuries at work is declining due to health and safety legislation, inspection and the active involvement of trade union safety reps in making workplaces safer.

I am asking all Fenland residents, workers and employers to pause briefly at noon on Monday, April 28, and to think for a moment about how important health and safety is at work and how we can ensure that the number of deaths and injuries continues to fall.



Wisbech March and District Trades Council

Via e-mail