Numbers of Fenland smokers successfully quitting has nose-dived and even with a recovery plan meeting targets will be challenging.

The latest public health report from Cambridgeshire Health Authority says an inability to recruit key posts and staff being diverted into establishing a new smoking cessation data base is partly to blame.

While the county target for 2010/11 has increased from 3,215 to 3,420, in primary care, where between 75 to 80 per cent of quitters are secured each year, the number of quitters is down by 25 per cent.

The report says: “There is a comprehensive recovery plan in place but meeting the target this year will be challenging”.

Key areas for improvement include increasing the productivity and capacity of the core smoking cessation service (CAMQUIT). Data collection will also remain a priority to help reduce the high number of lost follow-ups and incomplete returns.

Another essential part of the recovery is the promotional and media campaign which has been targeting manual workers in more deprived areas such as the Fens.

A new clinic has been opened in Wisbech where there are high numbers of smokers and it is already showing success in recruiting potential quitters.

The school-based project Kickash has also showed some early success and there are now 100 mentors across Cambridgeshire.