Martyn Lancaster was correct in his summing up of the atrocious decision of Fenland District Council to allow the building of 30 houses on good quality arable farmland at the end of Berryfield, March (Postbag, July 10).

Being at that meeting, it was a foregone conclusion that whatever the planners said the committee followed.

We residents were allowed our allotted five minutes to ask the council to reconsider, but the silence from all but Councillor Florence Newell was deafening.

A voice in the wilderness, Cllr Newell was ignored like the residents and the proposals were allowed to go ahead.

The parking at the beginning of the estate is an example of the problems for entry and exit, and emergency vehicles getting to residents are of a real concern.

Flooding both on the estate and the proposed plots shows the lack of foresight about how the drains are to cope with the further 30 houses.

The fact that the town could be planned properly for a large amount of houses on estates to the east and south of the town with proper facilities and good access into the estates shows how poorly March is thought of by the council.

As the archaeological dig is now in full swing, anything but a Roman burial ground will not stop this destruction and devastation of a once peaceful backwater.




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